Slip and fall injuries

Thousands of slip and fall injuries occur each year. These types of injuries are considered premises liability cases meaning they usually occur on someone else’s property. Whether the accident was due to an uneven pavement or walkway, wet floor, poor lighting, faulty chair, object in a walkway, or a lack of warning sign, you may be titled to compensation. We can help you understand the legal aspects and determine whether you have the grounds for a personal injury claim.

A slip and fall incident can lead to catastrophic injuries such as broken bones, hip dislocation, spinal chord injury, brain injury, head trauma and more. In these cases, the property owner or manager where the injury took place could be at fault due to the failure to take necessary precautions to ensure the safety of visitors, tenants or customers.

Slip and fall injuries can occur in a variety of places:

– Apartment buildings
– Shopping malls
– Amusement parks
– Restaurants
– Hotels
– Malls
– Homes
– Bars
– Nightclubs

At the Law Offices of Esra Jung, we have experience working with victims of slip and fall injuries. One of our competent attorneys will take into account your loss of wages, medical bills, emotional trauma and future loss of wages and aggressively pursue the best result possible on your behalf.

We will do all that is necessary to fight the insurance companies to ensure that you receive the maximum financial compensation you deserve. If you are looking for an experienced personal injury attorney in Sunnyvale, call (408) 556-0300 for a free consultation or contact us online.